Part of ‣ and Cell degradation.

From the efficiency (rather than safety) perspective, i. e. when we are only concerned about average behaviour in the fleet, not individual outliers, we can roughly predict the physical causes of degradation just from the cycling history of the battery. SEI growth speed depends on the temperature of the cell and State-of-charge. If we assume that this graphite lost to the SEI layer is the only form of anode material loss, we can calculate this loss, subtract it from the total capacity loss, and get the Lithium inventory loss. See: Lithium deposition overtakes the SEI growth as the leading capacity fade mechanism at 1C rate and 25 °C, Storing a cell at a high temperature and state-of-charge accelerates capacity fade.

However, this method might be quite imprecise, misleading (in outlier cases), and is not really that much simpler than discerning types of loss from the OCV curve (assuming that we have a good estimation of the OCV curve, see Open-circuit voltage curve is one of the cell(group) parameters).