I use Notion for my evergreen notes so I cannot explore the graph of notes visually (Notion doesn't support this feature yet), but I think that the graph resembles a quite random (no structure) and has very uneven density. There are many cliques of 5-10 notes that are almost fully interconnected. There are larger clusters, comprising several to a dozen such cliques. And there is also a big portion of notes that have only one or two links. On the other hand, there are many notes that have more than ten links.

This is a rough illustration of how the actual web of my evergreen notes should look (I think):


Andy Matuschak writes that evergreen notes should be concept-oriented. However, in practice, I see that both my and Matuschak's notes gravitate towards the following four types of notes (examples are from my notes and from Matuschak's):

See Matuschak's Taxonomy of note types.

My evergreen notes (and, evidently, Matuschak's) are not ontologically structured: a typical note with a lot of links, e. g. Lithium plating (currently has 15 links) has a lot of links with all sorts of ontological relationships to the concept note:
