Part of ‣ process.
Types of events:
Truly generic
A problem which is while a unique event for individual company is actually generic
Truly exceptional, unique event
New manifestation of a generic problem
Determine what type of event you have at hand.
Ask yourself about your decisions "If I had to live with this for a long time, would I be willing to?" ‣
Write out what effect a solution is expected to make and compare with the reality. Ask yourself "Is a decision really necessary?" Don't make decisions about things that won't make any difference. (Constantly think about what you are doing)
Look for incompatible, conflicting boundary conditions. Related: ‣.
Thinking through what is right: the solution that will fully satisfy the specifications before attention is given to compromises, adaptations, and concessions needed to make the decision acceptable. You will always compromise in the end. (See Consensus and compromise decisions) Related: ‣.
Building into the decision an action to carry it out. Make carrying out the decision's steps someone's responsibility.
To convert a decision into action, ask following questions:
Who has to know of this decision?
What action has to be taken?
Who is to take the action?
What does the action have to be so that people can do it?